We’re excited to announce that, starting June 1st, we will automatically renew eligible library materials you have checked-out. Automatic Renewal will give you more peace of mind and more time with your library books.
Items will not be renewed when:

The item is on hold for someone else
Your card is blocked (for any reason)
You have reached the maximum number of renewals allowed
The materials you’ve checked out (i.e: equipment, eBooks, etc.) are non-renewable

About auto renewal:
When your item is automatically renewed, you will see the new due date when you log into your account
You may be notified if your automatic renewal is successful; depending on how you’ve chosen to receive notifications

Did You Know?

You can get new releases and older titles on DVD & Blu-Ray at your local library.

We have an extensive collection of music on CD and cassette available for you to check out.

Many tools can be found at the library to research and write your reports.

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